Corona Created Opportunities (For India)
Created Opportunities (For India)
We are always surrounded with opportunities
specially in challenging times like these, "In the middle of difficulty
lies opportunity says Albert Einstein, in these situations a good leadership
will work at it’s best in converting the challenge into opportunity, as a
nation today we stand at a very big disaster and also with opportunities, for
India it is a very huge possibility, our country had enormous amount of hard
work by many people who devoted and sacrificed their life for
country’s up-liftment and well-being, to come out of poverty, the
quality of life has come up for millions of people within a very short period
of time after the independence, but suddenly the pandemic happened which no one
had expected or prepared, the situation is like “Jaan Hai to Jahaan Hai” and
many people are giving up with their life, many are struggling to survive, if
the same situation continues to happen for a long period of time, the country’s
poverty will again go back to as it was before, possibly millions of people will
again start to suffer.
How consciously we will handle the current
situation will matter very much for the country, many small scale businesses
are starting to shut down, and people are losing hopes continuously as we can
see unemployment has happened in such a massive way, many people lost their
livings and survival has become a challenge, hard to make decision like
situations, to overcome this situation country needs to come together. Our
India is still a developing country in the aspect of economy, rather than
firing the staff we can make little compromises with many things which are not
needed mandatoryly to keep everyone paid, otherwise it will effect in a
horrible way if all start to fire the employees. On the other hand
labors are striving to get back to their natives, which will also create
an issue of non-availability of labors, Industries and organisations can suffer
with the lack of human resources.,
As the nature and behavior of the pandemic
seems to be, we will have to learn to live with the virus, it may disappear
temporarily but possibly may come back as transportation will happen, govt. and
scientists are trying at their best to find vaccine. But it is also hard to be
found as different samples are showing different results, if it was spreading
through another species humans would not even think twice to vanish the entire
Let us come to the economy again, India is now a
great possibility in the world as many businesses and industries are willing to
shift to India, but again government should focus on making easy for
establishment of businesses as our ancient type process of law and legal
clearing systems.,
Aatma Nirbhar Bhaarat (Self
Reliant India):

What exactly Aatma Nirbhar Bharat is…..?
Our country had great business relations with the
world before invasion of Britishers, was producing around 30% of the textiles
in the world, then it came to 2% after hard circumstances created by them and
horrible way of collecting taxes, then the “Swadeshi Movement” was
started in 1905, it inspired and spread across the country and to each and
every individual, it effected globally so much that when Gandhiji visited
Manchester, industries were requesting to take back the movement, as there it
was affecting the economy of their country, the same can happen with china as
India has been a huge market for china and also we have the potential to
overtake china.
So the idea of our prime minister is to make our
country human based more than economy or currency based, we will have to
rebuild the country with being helpful and useful for the world, having 1.3
billion of population we can transform it in to strength and a new possibility,
most of the products have the demand of 1.3 billion people, now the link
between supply and demand has to be enhanced., By doing this within our country
it will automatically encourage the local economy and employment., Purchasing
power of the people will increase indirectly and economic stability will be the
result, this was the ideology behind “Vocal For Local”.
Another ideology shared by Modiji is to make “Local
(products/services) to Global”, fundamentally we are lacking in production of
good quality products with the intention of reducing the price, this
has to go beyond making affordable products to producing global level quality
standards, large number of consumers are having purchasing power for better
quality products, but lack of quality in local products makes them to go for
imported ones, we will have to optimally regulate the quality and
price which lacks in most of the local brands, then only a product
or service can take place(be eligible) in Global Market.
Now it is “Swadeshi Movement 2.0” Govt.
has come up with a very huge package for the businesses till date, so let us
take advantage and “Integrate our Ideas, Environment and
Opportunities” and make it happen.
- Jai Hind
Thank You for giving your valuable time.
It feels great as we are again approaching towards "swadeshi movement" & its now 2.0 , also good information brought up & at lastly I wish to say that it's been great going INDIA towards achieving in either by golden way i.e "old is gold "