Evolution of Education

Evolution of Education

To reach today's state of human intelligence it took millions of years for the nature and tremendous changes happened in human physical, psychological and spiritual aspects., From a species walking and running naked in the jungle, hunting for the survival, living in the caves and unconsciously carrying forward the generations, Started to understand and build emotions towards each other’s, body consciousness increased, started to have communities, socializing then territories, growing food for self and so on… And arrived till today's civilization with highest technologies and possibilities in every aspect of life, Communication and transportation has become much faster than ever before, well designed infrastructures straight roads cleaner and safer homes and comfortable lifestyle, everything is accessible at finger tips the world and mankind has came so far.

But at the same time a piece of land on this planet was much different from the entire world, having surrounded with the huge oceans and the highest mountains, sacred rivers and the deadly deserts wild life full of different species, life sprouted exuberantly, today it is called Bharata- “A holy piece of planet according to many evolved beings”, with the help of the environment here human life evolved very earlier and way faster than anywhere the vibrations started to rise higher and wider.

Thousands of years ago when the other parts of the world was trying to survive, in this land mankind was teaching the highest philosophies to the world, The generations having the understanding of the source of life, That which is alive in every form of life, With designing the highly scientific language and expressing the scriptures for the eternal. Designed the society so perfectly that it automatically supports each and everyone and everything, constituted human life and split in to four levels as Bramhacharya, Gruhastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa.

The vital part of life is Bramhacharya – “A systematic set of process and mechanism to explore and increase the inner fullest potential of life”.,  Where after the primary nourishment of life(Child) when it reaches the age of around 9-10 years and beginning to understand things, till then the parents and guardians are guru’s, then they were sent to Gurukula’s for acquiring Gnana(Education), in a Gurukula Ashram for a period of around 10 to 12 years (and further pursuing was dependent on individual choice).
The Gurukula is designed to teach and provide all the discipline and wisdom about both the materialistic world and spiritual world, the mechanism would support for increasing the Concentration and Consciousness with keeping all kinds of distractions apart, which helps to transcend the intelligence, Thinking abilities and creativities to incredible possibilities.

When it comes to syllabus subjects like Yoga and Yoga-aasanans, Scriptures, Archaeology, Architecture, Fundamentals of Leadership Qualities, Astronomy, Ayurveda, Cosmology, Life Sciences and Home Sciences, Vedic Mathematics, Musical Instruments, Art, Political Science and many more things to build Maximum skills and making all-rounders of everything from Cooking to Ancient Mechanical Engineering, Building leadership qualities and decision making capabilities, as each and everything is inter-connected (Ex: One who knows physics well will easily and quickly learn to ride a cycle)., The Gurus were constantly in touch with the disciples, Exploring in what a particular student is most Involved, Curious and shows perfection-in, The Gurus responsibility is to identify the special talents in the disciples and according to  his genetical baground and Sanskaras, he will be encouraged to explore in the specializations.

In the Gurukulas the potential possibilities of a disciple is deeply explored by touching the mind of the disciples which made Bharata Vishwa Guru(World Leader) always, The evidence of this type of incredible education can be witnessed world wide, even today Bharata is being in top of having top most Surgeons, Neurologists, Scientists and Engineers who explored most of the today's western inventions hundreds of years ago.

The Architecture and Sculptures built which  lasts for thousands of years, and some of them are even unbelievable for the modern generations, that they think those are not possible for humans, and ready to believe that they were created by aliens, for which no one has found proofs till now, it was all the projection of thoughts and creativity carved in the form of stones which requires incredible level of Concentration, Patience and Involvement. The astronomy developed which could predict the exact distance and sizes of the planets and stars, accurate size of the planets and presence of metals and chemicals there.

Bharata is described as Golden Bird(Soneki Chidiya) by the many international explorers, not just because it had materialistic wealth but the vast knowledge and wisdom, this attracted the world and some particular mind-set’s of kingdoms who wanted to have the wealth of our country, They started to invade the land with the greed started to loot, occupy and destroy the Architectures and artworks, converted them in to their own kind of,. Then the western people arrived with the intention of business and started to rule forcefully, also got successful in that, they got to know that the basis of this country is culture and education system, they started to make people believe unconsciously that their culture and education is greater than ours, slowly started to dissolve the education system and applying the system which builds the mind-sets of slavery and dependence of employment and successfully continued so on as planned, before that 95% of population was self employed no one required jobs only 5% people were appointed as government officials.

About the todays education one of the greatest writer and poet of our country Rabindranath Tagore wrote “System of education has become like Parrot-like recitation of lessons from the book” How much we remember only matters not how much we understand., ‘What does not relate to real life at every point is no education ’ – Says Gandhiji., Loosing our cultural roots and spiritual moorings under the fascinating alien culture.

I would like to share an incident happened with me, That day after finishing a program, I met a guy who was a computer science graduate, we discussed about that he wanted to do a start-up and regarding so many things, that he didn’t wanted to take over his family business and all, as we were supposed to leave he told me that he left his bike somewhere at MG Road of Pune, as he came from dhayri around 10kms from MG road and was supposed to reach Sadhuvaswani Chowk which is 3 kms from there., He couldn’t find the location as in hurry of missing the program he took Auto from there to the venue, he couldn’t use even maps in his device being so much., after asking what were the shops surrounding and all nearby places and the way he came through, we went by a bus and finally found the bike., we left saying good bye, and all the way to home I was thinking of that guy, what made him so fearful to even cross the road, how can he survive in the society.. I’m not trying to criticize anyone but what is the sense having so much of education..? where was the confidence of knowledge, even average students from local schools become leaders in the society.,

One of the Greatest saints in the world Swami Vivekananda said "True education is that by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased the intellect is expanded and  makes one can stand on one's own feet” that only can be a meaningful education, We have chanted “Strength is Life Weakness is Death” so many times but the motive of the line was supposed to become physically, Mentally and spiritually strong as there is no place for weakness in the world., APJ Abdul Kalam said “A piece of paper will not represent anyone’s skills and abilities”., Sadhguru – The Modern Mystic of Our country quoted “Our concept of education has to go beyond manufacturing cogs for the economic engine”

What modern education system is teaching for 3-5 years can be pursued within a year, if students develop their mental capacity of perception with the help of ancient Gurukula Technology, as the quality of students we have will determine the future of our country, the kind of students are there in the universities will give a clear picture on the upcoming nation.

The Profession of teaching - out of passion majority of teachers and university professors feels like it’s just a job these days, a way of earning a living, one of the safe and secured jobs presently, not aware of that future of the country is in their hands, most of the products of universities is becoming unemployed and lack of skills, complaining about the unemployment- education taking them to a peak from where they get blind after coming out of universities, earning a degree as a passport for employment needs to be transcended., many organisations are having the ancient educational system with the emerging technologies of future where western people are also admitting their children’s.,  if we are skilled enough opportunities will come to us, rather than focusing on statistics right kind of knowledge and skills will surely make our lives and society much better place for living.
-          Jai Hind

Sources: Pictures of Vivekananda and Gurukula painting is from internet, Life sprouting and Architecture is taken by my self at Nandi hills and Hampi-Karnataka., Some data sources are internet and The book Golden Heritage of Indian Culture by Prof. Chalapati Rao., Feedback and suggestions are heartily appreciated through Email:akshakki69@gmail.com, WhatsApp: 8999861642. Thank You for giving your valuable time.


  1. Nice work brother👌
    I hope your work may help our people and our government understand the importance in changing our education system as soon as possible or else we are heading for a big tragedy in future days. Time has come to correct our mistakes. Let us strive for it.
    Continue your work brother 👍

    1. Thank you very much bother for giving your valuable time, we need more and more people's like you to make our country great again 😇😇🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Informative. Hope one day we get our education back

    1. Yes brother, the time is now... Now only we have to work on that it hs to happen within this generation, thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. Jai Ramakrishna,
    The practical situation you have explained in short words very nice.yes we really missed the ancient type of educational method.great job Akshay keep it up your work and let spread this information to all our teacher as well younger people.

  4. Well articulated, good thoughts for the present youths and for the public in general. We should keep reading such articles to improve ourselves. Jai Ramakrishna

    1. Pranam Swamiji 🙏🏻🙏🏻
      I'm very thankful for your blessings mj
      Jai Ramakrishna

  5. Well written Akshay, keep writing, remember a bullet can hit one brain but a thought do hit thousand brains.
    Keep writing
    Keep it up


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